Welcome to VSAC
Victim Support at Court or V-SAC, is the only voluntary service in Ireland dedicated solely to court accompaniment for victims of crime, their families and witnesses. We are at the forefront of delivering a high quality court accompaniment service within the Irish judicial system.
If you have been the victim of a crime, our court accompaniment service can help you while you attend court.
Please watch our short video about the work V-SAC carries out.
- Our trained volunteers offer:
- Someone to talk to in confidence about the trial process
- Information about An Garda Síochána and court procedures
- Help in dealing with other organisations
- Information about victims’ rights and the criminal injuries tribunal
- Information on other sources of help
Our services are free and available to anyone who has been a victim of crime. We are an independent organisation but work closely with other organisations in the criminal justice sector, in particular An Garda Síochána and the Courts Service of Ireland to provide the best service possible and/or a witness in criminal proceedings.