V-SAC’s website is a fantastic tool for sharing our project news, and what better way to do this than by joining in our INSPIRING COVIS MONDAYS. Despite our global beliefs, the concept of miserable Mondays should be ditched!
Together with COVIS project partners, we’ve compiled a fascinating editorial to share with you every Monday, during upcoming months. There are so many good vibes to choose from, they’re bound to put a smile on your face no matter what day of the week it is.
Visit the project web-page for more information:
@brottsofferjourensverige @victim_support_at_court @apav_online @rikosuhripaivystys @offerraadgivning_hovedstaden
#COVISMONDAYS #SafeJustice #EUVictimsRights #ShapingVictimSupportTogether #VictimSupportEU #Project